
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bora Bora, not done yet

Fri, July 30th.
We checked out of the country with the gendarmes, got fuel and groceries. Ready to go. hmmm wind too light or too strong, I forget. Bill finished lubing all our winches - Yay! They were making scary noises, so it's a relief.

Sat, July 31st. Still at BBYC.
We became acquainted with Caspar & Maud (Dutch) on Sueno Azul (Gibralter flag). They had hilarious stories about the Texas expats in Rio Dulce, Guatamala. We went back to the village for roulotte pizza and the Heiva.

It was another huge group, est 80, including chorus, musicians, drummers and dancers. Almost all ages participate: the elders in the chorus, mixed ages musicians, and the teenage dancers. One toddler kept wandering on to the field, and was retrieved by the security guard several times. I had wondered why then needed uniformed security.

The dancers were quite tired from performing, so things went a little south. One chunky guy lost his pareu and then his headdress. The girls were wearing these spectacular red grass skirts with white "baggy-wrinkle" bustles. Some of the skirts turned themselves around to the front despite the girls' struggles to keep them straight. And another headdress was on the ground. Nonetheless, it was a wonderful performance and a nice farewell for us.

Sun, Aug 1st, still BBYC
I discovered 12 bottles of wine and a bottle of gin stowed in the bow. Holy Smokes! Unfortunately, we've gotten used to French wine (tho admittedly not at it's best), so the Argentine wine purchased in Mexico took some getting used to again. But we apply ourselves diligently to the task.

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